Fun Fly Sunday September 19

Event begins at 11:00. Bring your own food and drinks.

Demonstration Fly October 2 at Lippold Park

August Meeting Highlights

Rich Powell

Flying Rules

An AMA card is required to fly at all times and for all persons. This includes someone on a buddy cord. Only intro pilots, are allowed to teach others to fly that do not have an AMA card. Our intro pilots are Ron Navlyt, John Wise, and Woody Urban. If you want to teach your children to fly or a relative than they must have an AMA card, and you must be an instructor or fly with an instructor present. This is not meant to be cumbersome, but our current rules require an instructor to be present for all novices to fly. An AMA card is one dollar for anyone 16 years old or younger.

You do not have to be an expert to be an instructor. An instructor is someone who is proficient enough to teach someone to fly on a trainer. The job is only as burdensome as you make it. If the club has more instructors than there is less work for everyone. Phone calls are rare.

Grass Cutting Committee

A committee of Paul Seavey, Rich Powell, and Ryan Dubbs has been formed to work on the club’s options to purchase a tractor next year. If you would like to help, please contact Paul Seavey at (815) 675-6440. The committee will try to explore all avenues from used tractors, to new tractors, storage, maintenance, purchasing, finance, and cutting the grass.


Roger informs me that this issue has been reviewed in the past and discussed with the attorney. Incorporation does require a separate filing fee, and a declaration. Along with the filing there is the burden of additional record keeping. As I understand the act of incorporation does not protect individuals from liability unless we follow the legal requirements. When the matter was previously discussed with the AMA it was not felt that incorporation was necessary due to the relatively small size of the club, and we would not be better protected. As we grow more concerned about liability there is also concern that insurance to protect the board of directors is necessary. How far does the club want to take things? Roger will try to have the attorney at the next meeting.

Show and Tell

Frank Berg – The Fazer he won at the Christmas Party two years ago is finished. Looks just like the box. Great Job!

Rich Powell – Sig Something Extra – Needs nose weight with OS 46 LA which is three or four ounces lighter than a FX. Looks Pretty! The fifty-inch wingspan is deceiving. There is a lot of wing area and the plane looks much bigger in the air.

Rules – (Please see Presidents message)

As secretary it is an issue I never seem to be able to get away from. It is far from my favorite subject. Please obey the rules. They are meant to protect everyone (our neighbors, the club and the membership). In the event of an accident, if you are not following the AMA safety code and the club rules any insurance claim filed may be rejected. Protect yourself and everyone else. See the article in the AMA’s latest magazine issue for details.

Follow the rules! If someone is not following the rules, and you ignore the problem you are part of the problem. Do not fly without an instructor unless you have soloed, and been signed off by an instructor.

Remove your wreckage

Be courteous to the farmers. Remove you wreckage from their fields. Don’t let it damage their equipment at harvest or planting. Use care when walking through their crops. That is their livelihood. Let’s keep them as happy neighbors.

Help Wanted - Year 2000

President - The glue that holds the club together. Runs club meetings, and chief executive for the club, and is blamed for all of the club’s problems.

Vice President - Just in case the President gets shot for all of the club’s problems we need a Vice President. He fills in when the President is gone.

Secretary - Newsletter editor, record keeper, general gopher.

Treasurer - Pays the bills, collects the revenue, and spends the interest on extravagant planes like the Sig Kougar.

Contest Director - Plans great contests for rainy, windy, and hot days.

Annual Picnic Chairman - Picnic is held without the chairman’s knowledge so there is no need for food.

Demonstration Fly Chairman- Promotes sport, and gets the hangar queens into the sunlight, and keeps the club treasury in the black by donations from RCHTA.

Intro Pilots - Must be able to fly seven hours straight and keep Kadet Seniors in the air without fuel tanks

Safety Committee - Willing to be despised by all, for the safety of humanity

Initiation Committee - Lifetime Chairman – George Droysen – Gives everyone a hard time so no one feels left out.

Club Photographer - Takes before and after impact photos.

Field Crew – must live within 10 minutes of the field by tractor, or have professional landscaping tractors that must be hauled by trailer several hours away.

Christmas Party Chairman – Spends remainder of club treasury on the Christmas Party

Education Chairman - Lines up speakers and demonstrations from experienced club members, other clubs, and product reps for club meetings. Who is our next speaker?

Seriously, the club is only as good as we make it. We need people to pitch in and help. Next year we will be back at it. The grass must be cut. We need to get the field in shape, keep our neighbors happy, and fly to our hearts content. As you can see from the list above that it takes a lot of volunteers to make the club successful. I am amazed at the work past board members have done, and the help we got this year. I am sure some of us will be back, but there is plenty of work to go around. Start thinking about next year.

Frequency List

We have a few diehards that have every frequency. So after inputting all of the data I found out, that the club uses all frequencies with no more than six with the same frequency. Only two channels have six and they are 24 and 30 (my channels). The chart of the frequencies is rather flat and boring. If you would like a copy of the chart, draw a straight line and put two small spikes at channels 24 and 30. There is no magic group of frequencies that you can use and no one else has.

We have few problems, since our field is quiet and ten persons to fly at the field at the same time is probably a record setting crowd. Once in a while you might have to take turns with someone else.

We have it pretty good compared to the Cook County Forest Preserve Field I was at on Tuesday. There were always four planes in the air, with a maximum of five at the same time for the two hours I was there.

Membership List

If you did not get your E-mail copy and want the membership list there are copies in the lost and found box at the field.


I will no longer be mailing the newsletter to persons that have E-mail unless you have requested otherwise. Also Dave Hanson has the newsletter posted on his web site. His E-mail address is .


To plan for next year here is an estimate of our income and expenses. It is a conservative estimate. Income has been rounded down and expenses round up. The club averages about 70 paid members a year. There is about a 20% turnover rate in membership. So income from dues is appoximately $2500. The lease for the field is $675. Grass cutting has been $800

Annual Income

Membership $2500

Demonstration Fly RCHA $200

Total $2700

Annual Expenses

AMA Charter, etc. $75

Field Lease $675

Grass Cutting $800

Weed Cutting $150

Clean-up $50

Newsletter $400

Filing Non – Profit $15

Porta-Potties Maintenance $100


The club has $900 in the treasury. No expenses have been shown for the Christmas party, contest prizes or picnic. To plan for tractors, storage, maintenance, prizes, parties, legal fees, incorporation, accounting fees, field improvements it would be good to actually plan for the future.


Just thought I would take a minute to drop a line to the editor. I have been at the field pretty regularly over the past few months, haven’t been flying as much as I would like but if I have an hour of free time I like to hang out. It seems our club is growing once again. Lots of new blood. The field is in great shape and is probably worthy of a Better Homes and Gardens photo spread. The grass is as lush now as it was in May. Kind of wish it would brown out like my neighbors yard. Poor schmuck just keeps on watering it too.

A few issues need touching on, number one is that everybody should read the by-laws. After that just follow them and enjoy the summer. Remember, we made the rules so just follow them and have fun. If you have a problem with them, remember to run for office and I assure you that if you are voted in the problem you had with the rule will suddenly disappear as you end up in the vicious circle of trying to reinvent the rule "wheel" every time somebody has a better plan for the "sos"(if you need clarification of this acronym see me after the meeting). Seriously, just follow the rules and have fun and don’t sweat the small stuff.

Secondly as I noted before there are a lot of new members in the club. Some are experienced flyers and some are not. I would encourage all new members to introduce your selves to everyone you meet at the field. Don’t be bashful. If you don’t know something or are unsure of what to do in a situation ask. Most important of all talk to each other. Old guys help the new guys. New guys listen to the old guys. There is no reason to learn anything the hard way in this hobby. Also, be considerate of the other flyers at the field. The key to learning the subtle points of model airplane etiquette is to communicate with each other at the field. Other tips for newbies are;

  1. Don’t run your engine excessively in the pits. Do your break-in at home. Screaming engines in the pits make it difficult for people flying to hear their engines in flight.
  2. Keep your flight area neat (don’t spread your stuff all over the pits).
  3. Watch where you step.
  4. Always ask before touching anyone’s model. Personally nothing would piss me off more than some body picking up my model without asking.
  5. Control your kids and inform them of #3 and #4!
  6. Pick up your trash and cigarette butts.
  7. Don’t be offended if an apparently good pilot declines to fly your airplane. Some guys just don’t want to feel responsible if the worst happens.
  8. Share the sky. Remember you don’t have to be in the air every minute you are at the field. On occasion offer the other guy a clear sky and take a break. This is especially important when someone is flying a new model for the first time or for the first time after major repairs. If this is the case don’t just fire up your plane and go. You will want the same consideration when you reach the point where you are the one doing the test flying.
  9. Finally, remember that you are the new kid on the block. It just takes time for some people to accept new faces. Don’t get offended or feel self-conscious. Just relax and try to learn the ropes, fly safe, and ask if you don’t know. Most importantly introduce yourself and get to know the guys at the field. Someday you will be the one looking at the new guy and believe me he will have the same "deer in the headlight look" you feel you have now.

On another subject, just as Bob pointed out there needs to be some thought as to next year’s agenda. Hopefully we have accomplished this year’s priority in that we have a field in excellent condition and are in good standing with the county powers that be. We have a growing membership and an excellent core of volunteers that don’t just talk, they do. Even though I do not plan on staying on as president, I plan on staying active in other areas. My recommendations for FY2000’s agenda include buying a tractor, expanding the instructor list, and a new frequency board.




One thing I have noticed about new fliers is their dependence on arfs. I am constantly recommending that new fliers build their trainers. I recently realized that not everybody knows how to build. Time is the major factor but building seems to be a major deterrent as well. Starting in November, I plan to have learn to build sessions after every meeting. Those who want to stay can and those who don’t can get home. I am also looking for anyone looking to help out on the instruction end. We will cover topics such as workshop setup, equipment, and supplies such as glue. Basic fuse and wing construction techniques. Covering. Radio and Engine installation. We’ll also look at repairs. This is a good place to pick up a lot of hints and new techniques. I hope to see this take off. Until then good luck and fly safe.

That’s about all I can think of. It’s been a great season. Thank you to all that have helped out so much. See you at the field.

Colonel Klink – Photo by Art Berg and Woodie’s

Lazy Ace by Dick Donovan